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Het zou leuk zijn wanneer je een berichtje achterlaat. :-)
I would appreciate a little message. :-)

Hierbij wil ik Petra bedanken want dankzij haar geweldige site,, ben ik met de bouw van mijn poppenhuis begonnen.

Thanks to Petra. Without her nice site,, I would never been started with my doll house.

Ik probeer de dingen die ik maak zo goed mogelijk te omschrijven maar er kunnen soms typefoutjes in de tekst staan dus controleer van te voren even of het allemaal klopt.

The thing I create I put on my blog. Although I try to make no mistakes it's possible that something went wrong so please check before you make a copy.

vrijdag 16 januari 2015

Progress parquet

The floor is almost finished.

The compass.

The last step. We have to  learn a new technique. We want to polish the floor.
The floors at Giac's mansion are always looking great. He told me he did polish them.
So now we have to order stuff for polishing.
To be continued and wishing you all a great weekend.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi Dorien! The parquet floor looks absolutely gorgeous, it's really fantastic work! Polishing? With what?
    Schellak misschien? Dat schijnt een heel proces te zijn (als je schellak gebruikt). Ik weet niet hoe dat werkt, of waar dat te koop zou kunnen zijn....
    In ieder geval fijn weekend gewenst en geniet van je mooie vloer, het is echt prachtig!
    Liefs, Ilona

  2. Hi Ilona,
    Yes we go for shellac. I know how to get it and how it works. I'll explain it in the next blog. I let you know where to buy.
    Hugs Dorien

  3. can't wait to see what it looks like polished!

  4. Dear Sumaiya,
    The wood looks brighter and deeper qua color. The wood comes alive.
    But it will take some time because we have to order the stuff needed.
    Hugs Dorien

  5. Shellac or French polish will be well worth it on a floor that beautiful!


    1. Dear Idske,
      It will be the first time we do that. But worth trying.
      CHugs Dorien

  6. The floor is beautiful, great photos too - thanks for sharing your technique.

    1. Dear Troy,
      Thanks for your nice words. They mean a lot!
      Hugs Dorien

  7. Well Done! Your floor looks GREAT!!! :))


    1. Dear Elizabeth,
      Thank your for your nice words. My husband did the floor. I'm not able to make such a floor.
      Hugs Dorien

  8. Fantastic! Look forward to see how it will look after polishing!

  9. Dear Hannah,
    We're using different techniques at the moment. Just testing what looks best. Polish is very expensive. Next time I write about the different techniques and their results.
    Hugs Dorien
