Thanks for visiting my blog.

Het zou leuk zijn wanneer je een berichtje achterlaat. :-)
I would appreciate a little message. :-)

Hierbij wil ik Petra bedanken want dankzij haar geweldige site,, ben ik met de bouw van mijn poppenhuis begonnen.

Thanks to Petra. Without her nice site,, I would never been started with my doll house.

Ik probeer de dingen die ik maak zo goed mogelijk te omschrijven maar er kunnen soms typefoutjes in de tekst staan dus controleer van te voren even of het allemaal klopt.

The thing I create I put on my blog. Although I try to make no mistakes it's possible that something went wrong so please check before you make a copy.

vrijdag 27 mei 2016

Baseball ABC book New York Mc Loughlin Bros. 1885.

After a long time I'm back again on my blog.

I was able to make a book 1:12 ratio.
The third one is the baseball ABC book. There are three books in the picture above.  I printed the baseball ABC and this is the result.

This book is glued not hardbound. So it's easy to make. It's a nice book for my Victorian dollhouse in a children's room.