Thanks for visiting my blog.

Het zou leuk zijn wanneer je een berichtje achterlaat. :-)
I would appreciate a little message. :-)

Hierbij wil ik Petra bedanken want dankzij haar geweldige site,, ben ik met de bouw van mijn poppenhuis begonnen.

Thanks to Petra. Without her nice site,, I would never been started with my doll house.

Ik probeer de dingen die ik maak zo goed mogelijk te omschrijven maar er kunnen soms typefoutjes in de tekst staan dus controleer van te voren even of het allemaal klopt.

The thing I create I put on my blog. Although I try to make no mistakes it's possible that something went wrong so please check before you make a copy.

dinsdag 12 april 2011

Almost Easter and you should have some eggs for breakfast or brunch.

Because my husband has to fix the roof of the garden house he isn't able to cut veneer for the parquet floor.
So I'm putting stuff on my blog that I made some time ago. I had to practice and look what I still could make myself.
It's been a long time ago that I did these things like knitting, sewing, felting, crochet. But I still have the skills.
So then we decided to buy the doll house. I like it to make a lot of things myself. So I can fill up my days when I'm not able to leave the house.

So I made some eggs for breakfast or brunch. It's easy to make. You need Fimo clay in two or three colours.
I used white, yellow and brown.

I made a yellow stick and put white Fimo around the yellow stick.

After backing the clay you can slice it in small pieces.
This will be a flat egg piece.

Then I made a white egg and in the middle of that egg I 've put yellow Fimo clay. After backing you can slice the egg into four parts like on the picture.

This egg I started with a small yellow ball (the egg yolk) and put white clay around the yellow clay (egg white) and then a thin layer of brown clay (eggshell).
Backed the clay.

When the clay was backed I've cut the top of the egg with a sharp hobby knife. I've put a part of the egg on the Dutch rusk.
For the bread and Dutch rusk I have to practice a little longer.
It's almost Easter so there should be eggs in your doll house.