Thanks for visiting my blog.

Het zou leuk zijn wanneer je een berichtje achterlaat. :-)
I would appreciate a little message. :-)

Hierbij wil ik Petra bedanken want dankzij haar geweldige site,, ben ik met de bouw van mijn poppenhuis begonnen.

Thanks to Petra. Without her nice site,, I would never been started with my doll house.

Ik probeer de dingen die ik maak zo goed mogelijk te omschrijven maar er kunnen soms typefoutjes in de tekst staan dus controleer van te voren even of het allemaal klopt.

The thing I create I put on my blog. Although I try to make no mistakes it's possible that something went wrong so please check before you make a copy.

vrijdag 30 november 2012

Elga got a very nice present. A great book. She refers to the book on her blog. This is  a wonderful book about furniture. Just click here.

Would you like to create wonderful furniture please refer to this book. I'm completely astonished about this website. 

Jewelry Armoire Box.

I'm still on a search. Thanks to Elga. I could search on a much better way. She told me the name Jewelry Armoire Box.

Then I realized that the legs also tells you from which age the furniture can be.
The legs are made in Queen Anne style.

Queen Anne style furniture is a style of furniture design that developed during and around the reign of Anne, Queen of Great Britain (1702-1714).The cabriole leg has been described as "the most recognizable element" of Queen Anne furniture.[4] Cabriole legs were influenced by the designs of the French cabinetmaker André-Charles Boulle[5] and the Rococo style from the French court of Louis XV.
Source: Wikipedia.

So I'm the proud owner of "a piece of antiques" for my dollhouse.... ;-)

But I still believe that the people that lived during the Victorian age used the antiques in the right way. 
Not the way I do. Using an antique covered dish for a flower arrangement or a closet that was used in the bedroom and now used as a cupboard. 

Thanks to my, still in the box, dollhouse I've become an new interpretation of my life. When someone told me, a few years ago,  to take a dollhouse as a hobby I would have laughed. But now I think, talk dollhouse, have friends and l love this hobby.

Even my husband is enthusiastic. He bought me the cupboard because he couldn't make that himself he said. So I showed him the blog of Elga. My husband is very handy. He's making all kind of things in our own house but thinking small was his problem. After visiting the blog he realized he could do that also.

When he has finished our staircase I think he will start with the dollhouse also.

donderdag 29 november 2012

Jewelry box?

A lot of drawers. That's for socks and underwear. 

A mirror on top ?  Okay you put your jewelry on top and when you put the mirror in the right angel you can find your jewelry.

I also got a nice present from my son and daughter. But I couldn't show it yet. I didn't know what it was.
My first thought was something for jewels but my husband brought me into confusion.
Such a big case for jewelry wasn't possible according my husband. Okay.... I have a smaller jewelry box so I went surfing on the internet.

I couldn't find a case or cupboard that was similar. The children just bought me a nice present but didn't ask what it was. So I was wondering during the evening what it could be.

This morning I took a picture and mailed the picture to the store with my question. This afternoon I got my answer. It was an English jewelry box. Only from which era she didn't know.

So I went surfing again and I came across a similar jewelry box. Unfortunately the age was not mentioned. But I saw that there were pocket watches hanging in the side door.

I'm glad to know where it was used for. It would be a bit embarrassing when I put it in my doll house filled up
with underwear and socks. Yes I know that we use antiques nowadays for other purpose but not in my dollhouse.


I was just explaining to Natalia who Sinterklaas is. But while I was writing it down I realized that it's a strange story.

It's a man on a horse that rides on the roofs of our houses during the night. He has a lot of helpers called Zwarte Piet (black Peter). On the 5th of December he and his helpers are traveling around the Netherlands and drop presents down the chimney. When you don't have a fireplace they came through the heating system and sometimes through the door.
They come into the house. The children put a shoe nearby the fireplace (nowadays by the door) with a carrot, bread for the horse....and sometimes water and drawings for Sinterklaas also.

When I was younger we always ate hotchpot with carrots during the time that Sinterklaas was in our country.

Sinterklaas was a Saint who lived in Turkey.
While I'm reading my story I think everybody that doesn't know who that guy is declares me nuts.
Today Sinterklaas lives in Spain and he's coming to the Netherlands by boat. This Saint was a real person who lived in Turkey in a place called Myra around the year 300. He was a very generous person that shared his belongings with the poor people. He died on the 6th of December so that's the day the children find their presents in or nearby their shoe.

When you go to Sinterklaas You tube you can see how we Dutch people celebrate this I'm not crazy but when I wrote this down I really thought people will think I'm crazy.

Sinterklaas You tube

woensdag 28 november 2012

Almost back.

The last week of our stay in Portugal I got a thick sore throat. We went to see a GP. He advised me to take antibiotics. We went back home and the antibiotics didn't work out the way they should so I went to my own GP in the Netherlands. She prescribed me another antibiotics and she sent me to the hospital for blood samples and photos. At the end of the week she rushed me to the oral surgeon. There I became a drain in my throat.
The next week the drain was removed. But a week later I was back in hospital again. I couldn't eat my tongue and ears were very painful. So another drain was placed and another antibiotics was prescribed.
A few days later the drain was removed again and I told the surgeon that I didn't like another placed again. I would be operated the 29 of November but the surgeon thought it was better to move the date forward to the 8th of November.
So on the 8th of November one of the salivary glands was removed. Now my throat is almost cured.

I'm back in making miniatures again at last. But I can't show them right now because they're for the 5th of December.
In the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas instead of Santa Claus. The children get presents and when they're getting older we also pull papers with a name of a family member written on it. We buy a special present for the person whose name is on your paper and make something that goes with the present. We also write a little poem to go with the present and its surprise. So I can show you my surprise after the 5th of December because my children can read my blog also.

But I can show you my present. I'm very happy with this cupboard. I got this present from my husband because it's my birthday today. 
The dollhouse is out of the box but I only made the steps of the stair and Frans made a parquet floor.
We hope to work on the doll house very soon.
At the moment we're making things for Sinterklaas and then Christmas is coming up. 
After 7 weeks going in and out the hospital we have a lot of outstanding things to do.