
maandag 30 september 2013

Pewter casting next episode.

It amazes me that people are interested in my experiments and tampering.
First a warm welcome to my new followers and my excuses for the blog owners which I do follow.
I've read your blogs but couldn't find the energy to comment.

Here some updates about what I'm doing. First I spend a lot of time searching my mold for pewter casting. Then I realized I did throw that away because I made some mistakes in the mold.
I decided to make a mold just for the experiment.

I make a line in the plaster piece so I can break it into little pieces. For my experiment I need two pieces of plaster.

In the front you see a locking pliers next a clamp and then the white piece is the mold with two little red clamps. The red clamps compresses the mold together.
I used the locking pliers and clamp just for safety during the casting job. I don't like hot pewter on my hands or fingers.

Heating the top of the "saucepan".

The pewter is melted. I heated the top of the "saucepan" because when the top is cooled down your pewter cools down during casting process.

You only need a little amount of pewter but during the casting process it did overflow. Leave it there till it's cooled down.

DRUMS ....

More drums .... excitement reaches its peak. that all ....... you're thinking.    YES.
I had to convince my husband that this would work.
When your mold is perfect you can reuse it over and over. By the way the pewter also, just in the pan and melt.

The left is the mold and the right is the flat mold just to put pressure during casting process. When you don't like a flat item you can also make a mold on the right side. But this one only has a pouring hole.

There are two slots in the left mold. Make sure the slots goes upwards. These are made to release the air. During pouring the pewter, the air has to get out somewhere !!

As you can see the pewter stopped at the release beginning. Now you have to cut off the pouring hole of your item.
I could use this one as a knife. Lets see how sanding works out on pewter.
Next time I try a scissors. I have to carve very precisely because you see every detail in pewter.

I'm glad I was able to convince my husband and some of my readers also I hope.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Thanks Dorien, maybe one day I will try this, I hope you are going to show us your knife.

    1. Hi Elga.
      The knife was an example.....but now I have to make one Elga. ;)
      So when its ready I'll show it.
      Hugs Dorien

  2. Lieve Dorien, je hoeft je toch niet te verontschuldigen omdat je niet genoeg energie hebt om te reageren op onze blogs?? Kom gewoon lekker bij ons kijken en lezen, dat is voor jou het fijnste momenteel, dat is prima toch!
    Ik hoop wel dat je inmiddels weer wat beter zit, qua energie-level?
    Je tingiet-proces heb je heel goed beeldend en beschrijvend weergegeven, zeg, dank je wel! Het is een prima idee om ook eens te proberen. Maar ik heb momenteel al zoveel ideetjes voor van alles en nog wat, mijn hoofd wordt zo wat te klein ;)! Het zal wel eventjes gaan duren, voordat ik het ook eens zal proberen :D!
    Fijne week gewenst met mooi zonnig herfstweer!Liefs, Ilona

  3. Hoi Ilona,
    Energie-level begint zachtjes te herstellen. Dus vandaar mijn oefenprojectje voordat ik aan het echte werk begin. Het is echt leuk werk om te doen. Alleen wel oppassen met de dampen die er vanaf komen. Ik zie de geweldige producten die je maakt op je blog en hopelijk kan ik weer reageren de volgende keer.
    Knuffel Dorien

  4. Heel gaaf Dorien! Zulke probeersels leiden tot mooie resultaten. Ik ben benieuwd naar het mes (of de schaar).

    1. Hoi Josje,
      Ik ben blij met die positieve feedback. Jullie hebben veel vertrouwen in mijn broddelwerkje dat dat uiteindelijk een mes kan worden. Dus deze week maar eens verder gaan met het mes dat ik als voorbeeld bedoeld had.
      Knuffel Dorien

  5. Hello Dorien! I am soooo Impressed with your creativity and what and how you Do the things that you do! You have so much talent! I am way too lazy to do anything of this caliber but I thoroughly enjoy watching how it is done and the entire process was fascinating to see. Thank you for taking the time to post this. Take care of yourself too!


    1. Hi Elizabeth,
      Blush. Thanks for the compliment.The story will be continued. I wonder how pewter/tin acts when you sand it, cut or carve the material.
      Hugs Dorien

  6. Hello Dorien,
    What a wonderful and interesting technique. You make it look easy. I would never have attempted that myself. Bravo!
    Big hug,

    1. Dear Giac,
      This technique is very simple but you must be aware of the very hot material you work with. Making a perfect mold with this tiny stuff is a little difficult but manageable. I keep you informed about the progress because I did forget a lot of things during the time.
      Hugs Dorien

  7. Dorien dear, congratulations on the successful completion of the experience!
    I wrote to you, which is also made ​​of tin icon. I researched this topic. Pressure is created or a wooden stick in the gate ( or use a centrifuge ( 20metall/litie% 20metall/xydoz% 20litie/xydoz% 20litie-02.gif). Regards, Jack

    1. Dear Jack,
      Thanks again for sharing the link. Maybe handy sometime. When I google I can not find Russian articles. It's a pity they are not written in English. The translation is a little difficult to read sometimes.
      Thanks again for your advise !
      Hugs Dorien

  8. Hoi Dorien, wat aardig van je om te vertellen dat je onze blogs hebt bekeken, maar een tekort aan energie had om een comment achter te laten. Heel herkenbaar hoor, heb ik ook regelmatig! ;-)
    Toch fijn dat je weer iets hebt kunnen posten en wat voor een post; ik bewonder je vaardigheden in het metaal-gieten. Niet te geloven; je hebt een piepklein malletje gemaakt waar je het gesmolten metaal in giet. Het is echt heel leuk om te zien hoe je die techniek hebt verfijnd tot miniatuur-schaal. Bedankt!

    1. Hoi Liduina,
      Dankjewel voor het compliment. Ik hoop dat ik nu eens iets kan maken dat ook ergens op lijkt. Ik wil graag een give away maken maar dat moet me geen jaren gaan kosten. Dus ik frot nog even door.
      Knuffel Dorien

  9. Dear Dorien,
    please dont feel bad about not responding to blog, sometimes I dont have the energy either I spend two hours a day driving back and forth to work so people are lucky they hear from me at all, thank you very much for this tutorial. I hope to give it a try and not burn myself or burn down the house. take care of you!!


    1. Dear Marisa,
      Two hours driving back and forth to work is terrible.When I was still working it took me 10 minutes drive.
      Use a good ventilated space because the air isn't healthy during melting the pewter/tin!
      Good luck and I hope to see the result on your blog someday
      Hugs Dorien!

  10. ..and here is another follower that will look at yor experiments! I have never tried working with pewter, but I'd love to! :) Good luck and big hugs from Sweden! :D

  11. Dear Swedish Italian girl,
    A warm welcome a to you and I hope I don't disappoint you.
    I work out and show my experiments on my blog.
    Be careful and use a good ventilated space! Maybe I see your experiment on your blog.
    Hugs Dorien
