
donderdag 29 november 2012

Jewelry box?

A lot of drawers. That's for socks and underwear. 

A mirror on top ?  Okay you put your jewelry on top and when you put the mirror in the right angel you can find your jewelry.

I also got a nice present from my son and daughter. But I couldn't show it yet. I didn't know what it was.
My first thought was something for jewels but my husband brought me into confusion.
Such a big case for jewelry wasn't possible according my husband. Okay.... I have a smaller jewelry box so I went surfing on the internet.

I couldn't find a case or cupboard that was similar. The children just bought me a nice present but didn't ask what it was. So I was wondering during the evening what it could be.

This morning I took a picture and mailed the picture to the store with my question. This afternoon I got my answer. It was an English jewelry box. Only from which era she didn't know.

So I went surfing again and I came across a similar jewelry box. Unfortunately the age was not mentioned. But I saw that there were pocket watches hanging in the side door.

I'm glad to know where it was used for. It would be a bit embarrassing when I put it in my doll house filled up
with underwear and socks. Yes I know that we use antiques nowadays for other purpose but not in my dollhouse.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello Dorien,
    What a lovely jewelry box. I thinkt hey are a wonderful piece of furniture and so much fun to fill up.
    Big hug,

  2. Hoi Dorien, wát een schitterend verhaal over die sokken en ondergoed :D, ik zie het helemaal voor me (fantasie genoeg:))!
    Ben je jarig geweest? Zo ja, alsnog van harte.
    Ik vind dit echt een mooie jewelry box, zo boven op dat prachtige kastje.
    Groetjes, Ilona

  3. Dom van me, herinner me nu dat je jarig bent geweest, sorry. Ach ja, het is al laat en ik ben nogal moe: nu gaat de stekker eruit en ik ga slapen, anders verval ik in herhaling ;)!!
    Groetjes, Ilona

  4. Lieve Ilona,
    Het hele kastje is een bijouterie kast. Onbekend hier maar in Amerika word je er mee doodgegooid volgens mij. Maar tja wij hebben ook niet zo'n grote slaapkamers als daar. Leuk is dat wanneer je fantasie op hol slaat en je dingen gaat visualiseren.
    Bedankt voor de felicitatie.
    Groetjes Dorien

  5. A beautiful and unusual piece, you send me on an internet search with this piece and I found quite a few interesting pieces. There were necklaces hanging in the doors of the ones I saw, if you search for Jewelry Armoire Box in images you are going to see lots of them.

  6. Thank you Elga.
    It's a cute piece. Now I only have to find the age of the original one.
    I'm going to surch for Jewelry Armoire Box.
    Greetings Dorien
