
dinsdag 10 mei 2011

Victorian lamp for writing desk.

My son had ordered 100 LED bulbs in China. Also the resistors. My husband did save some telephone wire which I could use for the electric wire.

First I had to file the hole a bit wider. Now the small part fits into the hole.

Next step is to put the brass tube, length 2,5 cm., on the small part. I use a hammer to put both pieces together with a few soft smacks.

I use a small round file to remove the sharp edges that can damage the electric wires.

 Pull the wires through the pipe.

Make a curve at about 2 cm. Before bending you must put the electric wire through the brass tube and the shade must be connected to the feet also. Later on it it's very difficult to connect them on the foot of the lamp.

Now glue the shade to the lamp.

Now prepare the LED and solder it to the wire.

This is a handy help to solder the parts.

.Now you can pull the wire with the LED into the shade.

And after a few failures this is the result.

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