
donderdag 2 augustus 2012

French bistro set.

After drinking all that Cider I decided to make a bistro table. The material I need for the table is iron wire thickness 1 mm, Fimo clay effect number 803, 3 plastic circles of 5 mm., superglue and a soldering iron. So no more drinking...;-).

I had to put 3 table legs under the table top. The distance between the legs is 5 cm. (1 inch = 2,5 cm).
Now I need to place them in a circle. The way I do that is as follow. I measure a thread of 5 cm.

I put this thread  on the circle and then I can mark the point where the leg should be.

Then I take the flowering foam to stabilize the iron legs. I don't want to burn my fingers during soldering because that wire gets very hot.

Now I can solder the legs together without burning my fingers. The length of the iron wire is 5,8 cm but it's better to cut the exact length after you've soldered them. Then you have to bend the wire to keep the legs straight under the table top.

I use my pasta machine for the table top. I put it on number 7 and roll the clay ones then I put it on to number 6. I want this thickness for the table top. I don't use this machine in my kitchen because clay and pasta don't fit together very well.....;-)

I used a long drink glass because that was of the wright size of the table top 5 cm. Put the clay in the oven at 130 degrees for 17 minutes. I use a griddle for clay only. My oven I use for making clay and food but not at the same time.

I glued the top on to the legs with super glue. At the bottom of the legs I glued circles of 0,5 cm plastic. At last I painted the legs with Humbrol enamel gloss 21.

This is easy to make. Use your imagination and you will have a lot of fun making this tiny things. I like to see a pot with flowers on the table so that will be my next project. I make this pot with help from a wonderful blogger She's making beautiful things of paper and sharing it with the world.